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3 tips for a speedy launch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:05 am
by rozebuds
Hi All,

We reached our funding goal of $30k in 24 hours and have since reached 200% funding with 23 days to go. We followed a ton of advice from this forum and wanted to give something back with a few useful tips that we feel made a big difference for us as Kickstarter first-timers.

1. Your pre-launch email ratio needs to be at least 12:1.
We had over 3,000 emails going in to launch that we had accumulated over months of pre-launch advertising and partnering with Funded Today. This proved to be very close to the number we needed in order to hit our funding goal and converted at about 12:1.

2. Test out different combinations of your 3 Basic Data Points.
Kickstarter can be a very valuable referral source for your campaign, but you need to get your 3 basic data points (title, thumbnail and short description) to be as compelling as possible for people to click on your campaign over all the others. To help with this, we took screen shots of the categories that we would appear in and then played with various possibilities in PowerPoint until we found our ideal combination.

Here are some of the combos we played with - we're in the bottom left in each of the 3 examples.

Forum Browser.jpg
Forum Browser.jpg (228.39 KiB) Viewed 1456 times

3. Create an info graphic for first time backers.
This was a crucial factor for us. We would have lost sales for sure if we didn't provide this to our email subscribers. We found a few decent examples which we based our starting point on and then evolved the image that I've attached here. (message me if you'd like and I'll share the ppt file which you can then update for your own campaign).

Rozebuds Back Infographic.jpg
Rozebuds Back Infographic.jpg (201.12 KiB) Viewed 1456 times

Here is our campaign; ... -earphones

Re: 3 tips for a speedy launch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 4:14 am
by kevin
Good tips. Thanks

Re: 3 tips for a speedy launch

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:01 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Share Your Kickstarter Story (Updates, Campaign Stats, Marketing Strategies Used)

Re: 3 tips for a speedy launch

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:07 pm
by nomlinz
Absolutely LOVE these 3 tips!

One thing to add to point #1: not only should you create an email list, but make sure that you get your list warmed up enough for when you launch.

What this means on different channels:
1. Email
- Send an email out 7 days before your launch to get your audience to "save the date". This email needs to also include the time you'll launch.
- Send an email out the day before your launch to remind people about the "save the date". Again, this email should also include the time for launch. Let people know what your special launch pricing is and for how long it will be available. Usually, creators give launch pricing 24 hours of time on the page to drive those initial backers to the campaign page.

2. Social media
- Create and post "countdown" posts on all your social channels. It can literally just be images of numbers counting down along with some additional information about your project.

Best of luck out there!

Re: 3 tips for a speedy launch

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:32 am
by Akhtar
Thanks for giving us these use full tips.

Re: 3 tips for a speedy launch

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:02 am
by spargoengineering
I'm a bit late to the party here but the infographic is a great idea. Some of the people I've talked to have no idea how Kickstarter works so I'm sure this would be a big help for them. Thanks for sharing!